Regaining control of your weight is rarely an easy task but with the help of hypnotherapy you can tackle this life-limiting, health-impacting issue head-on.


How hypnotherapy helps.

There can be many reasons why an individual struggles to maintain a healthy, functional relationship with food. In many cases it can be a matter of unhelpful behavioural patterns that have become habituated over time and are now difficult to break away from. Whilst this issue may seem simple when boiled down into a sentence or two, the day-to-day realities of it are far from straight-forward, which is why so many people struggle to achieve and maintain a weight and body-image they are happy with.

Hypnotherapy can make all the difference. By communicating directly with the subconscious mind, it is able to erode those age-old, damaging patterns and replace them with new, health-focused ones that will cause genuine, sustainable changes to the client's eating habits.

In some cases an individual's issues surrounding food, diet and weight management can be more complex in nature. Early-life experiences can be responsible for establishing a dysfunctional relationship with food and/or body-image, which then becomes imbedded over time and presents an unseen but formidable hurdle to change. The hypnotherapeutic approach enables access to these imbedded issues, allowing them to be re-framed and so releasing their grip on the client's day-to-day life.

By utilising both the Hypno-suggestion and Hypno-analytic approaches to therapy, it is possible to identify and address early-life events that have triggered ongoing issues with diet and weight-control, as well as recalibrating the subconscious mind's attitude and focus where food and eating is concerned. Embedded patterns of behaviour can be targeted and 're-programmed' with a fresh, vibrant approach to food and exercise, paving the way to steady, healthy, sustainable change. This is not a fad diet or 'instant beach-body' plan (such things are invariable unhealthy, unsustainable and destined to failure) - this is about initiating real, permanent change that will give you back the life you deserve to be living.

This is not a dress-rehearsal or a practice; this IS your life, happening right now. Every day that passes without you being the person you know you should be, is a day you wont be getting back.
Take control, make the change.
Live ALL of your life.

act now and get the amazing new-client offer!

All new clients, attending either Sevenoaks or Tunbridge Wells, for treatment sessions from Monday 11th September 2018 will be charged the fantastic, introductory price of just £25 per session!

There has never been a better time to connect with hypnotherapy and take back control of your life. 

Don't delay - get in touch today.